Info Request Form Success! We will reach out to you shortly with any follow up questions and get you scheduled for your next meeting! Welcome to the Help First Journey! 11 Information Request FormWe appreciate your time, energy, and patience completing this form and gathering your documents. We realize it’s no small feat! This takes about 30-45 minutes. Back Next Biographical Info*Full NameDate of birthPrimary email addressSecondary email address Back Next Primary ResidenceStreetStreet 2CityStateZIPPhone contactCell phone numberHome phone numberWork phone numberEmploymentJob descriptionEmployer Back Next Any of these apply?Non-US CitizenDivorced/prior marriageWidow/widowerBlended familyI have a living/revocable trustAre you married?NoYesYour spouse/partner's information (optional)NameDate of birthEmailSecondary EmailPhone NumberAny background or information we should be aware of with regards to how you and your spouse handle your finances?(eg. Combined, separate, division of the financial duties, etc.)How many children?012345Your child's infoNameDate of BirthTell us about any specific goals you have around providing for your children? (education funding, financial assistance getting started in life, weddings, etc.)Your children's infoFirst childNameDate of birthSecond childNameDate of birthThird childNameDate of birthTell us about any specific goals you have around providing for your children? (education funding, financial assistance getting started in life, weddings, etc.)Your children's infoFirst childNameDate of birthSecond childNameDate of birthTell us about any specific goals you have around providing for your children? (education funding, financial assistance getting started in life, weddings, etc.)Your children's infoFirst childNameDate of birthSecond childNameDate of birthThird childNameDate of birthFourth childNameDate of birthTell us about any specific goals you have around providing for your children? (education funding, financial assistance getting started in life, weddings, etc.)Your children's infoFirst childNameDate of birthSecond childNameDate of birthThird childNameDate of birthFourth childNameDate of birthFifth childNameDate of birthTell us about any specific goals you have around providing for your children? (education funding, financial assistance getting started in life, weddings, etc.)How many grandchildren?012345Your grandchildren's infoYour first grandchild's infoNameDate of birthYour second grandchild's infoNameDate of birthYour third grandchild's infoNameDate of birthTell us about any specific goals you have around providing for your grandchildren? (education funding, financial assistance getting started in life, weddings, etc.)Your grandchildren's infoYour first grandchild's infoNameDate of birthYour second grandchild's infoNameDate of birthYour third grandchild's infoNameDate of birthYour fourth grandchild's infoNameDate of birthTell us about any specific goals you have around providing for your grandchildren? (education funding, financial assistance getting started in life, weddings, etc.)Your grandchildren's infoYour first grandchild's infoNameDate of birthYour second grandchild's infoNameDate of birthYour third grandchild's infoNameDate of birthYour fourth grandchild's infoNameDate of birthYour fifth grandchild's infoNameDate of birthTell us about any specific goals you have around providing for your grandchildren? (education funding, financial assistance getting started in life, weddings, etc.)Your grandchildren's infoYour first grandchild's infoNameDate of birthYour second grandchild's infoNameDate of birthTell us about any specific goals you have around providing for your grandchildren? (education funding, financial assistance getting started in life, weddings, etc.)Your grandchild's infoNameDate of birthTell us about any specific goals you have around providing for your grandchild? (education funding, financial assistance getting started in life, weddings, etc.) Back Next Please rank your meeting preferences (1 star-least preferable to 5 stars-most preferable)Zoom video meeting Office visit House call Phone conference Back Next How comfortable are you with your finances? (Scale of 1-10)12345678910Can you explain more about why you gave yourself that rating?Do you have any urgent financial needs, deadlines, stock vesting, other decisions that are urgent?Please explain in more detail below. Thank you. Back Next Tell us a little about your goals…if your plans are successful, what do you want your life to look like in:20 years10 years5 yearsAny specific goals, questions or factors you'd like addressed or discussed as part of this process? Back Next Tell us about your primary residenceOwnRentResidence rentedMonthly paymentAny other information you'd like to share about your home?Saving for a downpayment to buy a house, our lease is up in 3 months, etcResidence ownedMonthly paymentApproximate valuePurchase priceMortgage balanceMortgage rateProperty TaxHomeowners Insurance Annual costDate of purchaseTerm Length, Fixed or Variable?eg. 30 year-FixedAny other information you'd like to share about your home?Remodeling, put 50,000 into it, want to sell, etc Back Next Retirement Accounts(401K, ROTH, IRA, Simple IRA, SEP IRA, HSA, etc)012345678910One Retirement Account Account OwnerAccount TypeBalanceCustodianNotesTwo Retirement Accounts Account OwnerAccount OwnerAccount TypeAccount TypeBalanceBalanceCustodianCustodianNotesNotesThree Retirement Accounts Account OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeBalanceBalanceBalanceCustodianCustodianCustodianNotesNotesNotesFour Retirement Accounts Account OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianNotesNotesNotesNotesFive Retirement Accounts Account OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesSix Retirement Accounts Account OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesSeven Retirement Accounts Account OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesEight Retirement Accounts Account OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNine Retirement Accounts Account OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesTen Retirement Accounts Account OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotes Back Next Assets continued...Non-retirement accountsChecking, Savings, Trust, Individual Brokerage,etc012345678910Non-retirement account Account OwnerAccount TypeBalanceCustodianNotesTwo non-retirement accountsAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount TypeAccount TypeBalanceBalanceCustodianCustodianNotesNotesThree non-retirement accounts Account OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeBalanceBalanceBalanceCustodianCustodianCustodianNotesNotesNotesFour non-retirement accounts Account OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianNotesNotesNotesNotesFive non-retirement accounts Account OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesSix non-retirement accounts Account OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesSeven non-retirement accounts Account OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesNotesEight non-retirement accounts Account OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount OwnerAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeAccount TypeBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceBalanceCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianCustodianNotes