The Painted Porch Team

Making an Impact. Together.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”                                                     ―Sir Winston Churchill We are excited to announce our support for Girls Inc. of Greater Santa Barbara — our first recipient of giving from our...

Coffee Talk: Large Portfolio Positions

Since the market’s March 2020 lows, we’ve seen the Nasdaq outperform the S&P by 2x. Many stocks – more than just the Reddit message board darlings Gamestop or AMC – have had tremendous runs since then, and for many people these names may represent an outsized...

Coffee Talk: Happiness is a Superpower

Have you ever stopped to think, “What are the things in life that bring me true, enduring happiness?” Do you know whether you spend most of your money and your time on those things? Brian and Kurt discuss the chase for things you want vs what you actually need, ideas...

Pausing … And Giving Thanks

As many know, our team will have the week off from our regular day-to-day activities next week as a means of recharging – and focusing on gratitude (of course, we’re still watching the market and reacting to client needs!). It feels fitting for the week of...

Coffee Talk: Real Estate and Taxes

Investing in real estate can be very lucrative — and very risky. How do I understand the value of my investment today? What about the value of the time I’ve spent on maintenance, tenant issues, or financing? And I love the tax benefits while I own the property,...
Painted Porch